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Denmark PM Delivers Speech Partly Written By AI

Denmark PM Delivers Speech Partly Written By AI

In an address to the legislature on Wednesday, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen highlighted the revolutionary potential and potential dangers of AI in part through the use of the ChatGPT AI tool. As parliament prepares to adjourn for the summer, the head of the Danish government delivered a customary speech.

“What I have just read here is not from me. Or any other human for that matter”, Halfway through her speech to lawmakers, Frederiksen abruptly announced that ChatGPT had written it.

“Even if it didn’t always hit the nail on the head, both in terms of the details of the government’s work program and punctuation… it is both fascinating and terrifying what it is capable of”, the leader added.

With its ability to produce essays, poetry, and discussions from the shortest stimuli, ChatGPT shot to fame late last year.

Due to the program’s astronomical success, the industry saw billions of dollars invested, but critics and insiders have warned of a potential gold rush.

Common concerns include the likelihood that chatbots could spread false information online, that biased algorithms will produce racist content, or that automation fueled by AI will destroy entire industries.

This Wednesday in Lulea, Sweden, a high-level trade meeting between the United States and the European Union will be held.

The ChatGPT was developed by Sam Altman’s company OpenAI. A group of business leaders and specialists issued a warning on Tuesday over the potential threat of “extinction” presented by the technology.

Sentences like this were part of Frederiksen’s speech that ChatGPT wrote: “It has been an honor and a challenge to lead a broad government in the last parliamentary year.”

“We have worked hard to co-operate across parties and ensure a strong and sustainable future for Denmark,” and “We have taken steps to combat climate change and ensure a fairer and more inclusive society where all citizens have equal opportunities,” ChatGPT also wrote.

“Although we have faced challenges and resistance along the way, I am proud of what we have achieved together in the last parliamentary year.”

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